Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Waste Free Lunches

The School Year is about to begin (or has begun for some families).  Make sure this year you plan for Zero Waste Lunches.  Mighty Nest (http://mightynest.com) is a great site where you can buy all you need to ensure your kids have a Zero Waste Lunch.  And the best part is your purchases can earn money for your school (15% of your purchase price).  This is a WIN-WIN people!!  The site also calculates how many water bottles and ziplock baggies you can keep out of landfills each year by taking the pledge to go waste free.

MightyNestMightyNestMightyNestMightyNestlunchbots quadLunchskins Reusable Sandwich Bagslifefactory flip topkid kanteenKlean Kanteen Food KanistersStainless Steel Strawbamboo utensil setwaste free lunch setsquiggle ice packs

1 comment:

  1. I need to look for this stuff and follow this campaign. Going to make awareness of it and will ask people to follow these simple thing. Thank you for sharing it
